
If all the world will unite to bring like the Qur'an, they could not

             Hisham bin Hakam reports that Ibn Abil-Iwaja and Abu Shaker Desani and Abdul-Malak and Ibn Muqaffa came to Maccah and were throwing taunts on the holy Qur'an and making fun of the people who came for hajj.


Paradise guaranteed by Imam Sadiq (as)

   Ali bin Hamza says:
              Of the workers of Bani Umaiya, a young man was my friend. One day he asked me to take him to Imam al-Sadeq.
              I obtained Imam's permission and took the young man to him.
              The young man said, "May I lay down my life for you! I am a worker of Bani Umaiya and I have gathered a lot of wealth."
              Imam said, "If not for people like you, Banu Umaiya would not have had the courage to seize from us our right. If people had not helped them and had left them alone, they would not have got anything."
              The young man said, "May I lay down my life for you! Is there any salvation for me?"

Can God accommodate the heaven and the earth in an egg?

Abu Shaker Abdullah Desani one day came to Imam Jafar al-Sadeq and asked Imam various questions. One of his questions was: God is All-Powerful. Can He, if He wishes, accommodate the heaven and the earth in an egg?
Imam replied, "Desani! An egg is a big thing; don't you see that God has accommodated the heaven and the earth in the pupil of your eye...?"  

(Kashf al-Ghumma)

A miracle of Imam Sadeq (AS)

Abu Basir says: Shoeb came to Imam al-Sadeq and presented him with a bag of dinars.
"Is this zakat or gift?" Imam asked.
After remaining silent for a while, Shoeb said, "It is both zakat and gift."
"We do not need zakat," Imam said and put his hand in the bag, took out a handful of dinars and returned them to Shoeb.
When we left, we asked Shoeb about how much zakat was there in the bag.
Said: "As much as the Imam had returned to me. By God, there was not a piece more or less.“
 (Ithbat al-Hudaat)    
Note: Zakat is forbidden on the generation of the Prophet PBUH.


Ayatollah Sistani

Ayatollah Sistani

Ayatollah Nimr al-Nimr

Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr
The great leader was executed and martyred by the government of Saudi Arabia by sword.

Ayatollah Khamenei

Ayatollah Khamenei

Imam Ali and his answer to the Jewish question

              One of the wise men of the Jews questioned Amir al-Momineen (Commander of the Faithful) Ali.
              "How many years after the Apostle will his successor live? Will he die a natural death or will he be killed?"
              Imam said: "The descendent of the Apostle will live 30 years after the Apostle. And this beard will turn with blood from this head," he pointed to his head and beard.
              The jew got and said, "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is His messenger and you are his successor."
                                              (Asbat al-Hudaat)        


Shia Encyclopedia (Free ebook)

This Book Contains these titles
ID Book; Introdution; Preliminary Notes; Quran and Ahlul-Bayt; Why School of Ahlul-Bayt; Who Are Ahlul-Bayt; The word "House" In Quran; Sunni Feedback on the Issues of Infallibility and Ahlul-Bayt; Who Offended the Blind?; Infallibility of the Prophets ; Leadership and Infallibility; The Twelve Imams; The Holy Qur�an and the Pure Imams; The Reward of Loving Ahlul-Bayt; How to Send Greetings to Prophet Muhammad?; Shiism; Imam Al-Mahdi a.s; The Knowledge of The Unseen The Knowledge of The Book; Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam �Ali (as); Ghadir Khum; Certainly your Master is ...; Who is the successor of the Prophet (S)?; The Prophet Announcing His Successor in His First Preach; The Opinion of Imam �Ali (as) on Caliphate