
If all the world will unite to bring like the Qur'an, they could not

             Hisham bin Hakam reports that Ibn Abil-Iwaja and Abu Shaker Desani and Abdul-Malak and Ibn Muqaffa came to Maccah and were throwing taunts on the holy Qur'an and making fun of the people who came for hajj.

 Ibn Abil-Iwaja said, "Come let each of us take one quarter of the Qur'an and pin-point its faults and fallacies, and next year when again we meet here, we would have proven the whole of the Qur'an faulty."
              Next they gathered once again at Maccah and confessed to each other their inability to find any fault with the Qur'an. At that time, Imam al-Sadeq passed near them, narrating this qur'anic verse: "Say, 'If men and the jinn get united that they bring the like of this Qur'an, they would bring not the like of it, even though some of them to the others be helpers." (Al-Isra: 88)
              They all wept and said, "If there is any reality to Islam, the successorship of Mohammad belongs to none but Jafer ibn Mohammed. By God, there never was a time when we saw him and were not awed by his magnificence and our bodies did not tremble."
                                              (Ithbat al-Hudaat)

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